Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Soap Banana Condoms

The skeleton pear
Two matches 69
An abandoned list (soap banana condoms)
Tainted Pastilles
Top bottles
Lost Anandin (Extra)
A festive Robin
Rods Cones Double Cones
Dim light dollar
The strap snap
Names of staff

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


I guess I have to do this
My sexless bed

Is like
Balloons we let loose
As kids.

They go up
And they’re gone
And as the crescent held place

I decided to go
Silent lighting
Cigarettes instead of bulbs or a lamp

Problems seem ineffective
When no one’s in
And it’s church mouse quiet.

Smoke trails
Mouthfuls of
Plum Brandy.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Top Of My Head

Liquid limo wrong turn
Blocked in and backed concern
A pale driver
Empty passenger seat
Uncorked bottles thrown
On Broadway
A street


Two clowns
Rice and noodles
Go after la belle
And la belle Normande
In penury
In plaintive breaths
They pick at a carcass
Discarded in season

It is seasoned

They come
From dark to
Flick and get me
Outta bed and
Putting the brandy back
Carry a black sac
Hot water scrub
Pulled out of my mother

Relived bloated childhood.